World Council of Anthropological Associations
A network of national, regional and international associations
promoting worldwide communication and cooperation in anthropology
The next in the series of WCAA webinars, currently focussed on COVID-19, will take place on 31 July. View details.
Videos of the previous webinars convened by Clara Saraiva (WCAA and APA - Portuguese Anthropological Association) and hosted by Michel Bouchard (WCAA) can be viewed here.
The forum of anthropologica 42 of the *best articles* from an array of anthropological journals across the globe. Read them here.
All are in French and edited by Van Troi Tran (Université Laval).
Les Métis oubliés de l’Outaouais : Une analyse ethnographique débordant les frontières de la rivière Rouge. Michel Bouchard (University of Northern British Columbia), Sébastien Malette (Carleton University), Guillaume Marcotte (Independent historian)
Retour sur le Manifeste de Lausanne et sa suite le dictionnaire en ligne ANTHROPEN. Francine Saillant & Mondher Kilani
Dimensions de l’économie politique féministe en anthropologie aujourd’hui. Marie France Labrecque (Laval University)
Territorialités autochtones : revendications, affirmations et projets de vie. Frédéric Laugrand (Catholic University of Louvain / Université Laval)
Indigenous territories: claims, affirmations and life plans. Benoit Éthier (University of Quebec in Abitibi-Témiscamingue)
Rapatrier les dimensions familiales des patrimoines autochtones. Carole Delamour (CIÉRA, Université du Québec à Montréal)
L’État et les «pauvres» en situation de handicap au Québec, Canada. Éric Gagnon Poulin (University of North Carolina)